Key Topics
- New & Recycled Thermoplastic Composite
Materials - UD Tape Production & Performance
- Live Demonstrations and Production Line Visit
10:00 | Welcome and Introduction Dr. Kai Fischer | AZL Aachen GmbH | |
10:15 | Market and Technology Screening for Hybrid Thermoplastic Composites Warden Schijve | AZL Aachen GmbH | |
10:35 | Innovative Material Combinations with a Focus on Lightweight Design – Thermoplastic Melt Pultrusion Maximilian Herzog | BWF Group | |
10:50 | Kyrontex, Recycled Thermoplastic Composite Material Kevin Papierok | Mitsubishi Chemical Group | |
11:15 | Mechanical Performance of Injection Moulded E-Automotive Frunks through Local Reinforcement with Unidirectional Tapes: Opportunities for Weight, Cost and CO2 Emission Reduction Jan Petersen | AZL of RWTH Aachen University | |
11:45 | Development of a UD tape Production Line Timo Witte | IKV – Institute of Plastics Processing in Industry and the Skilled Crafts at RWTH Aachen University | |
12:10 | Networking Lunch | |
13:10 | AZL Demonstration of UD Tape Overmoulding, Fully Automated and Double Belt Flax UD tape Impregnation & Consolidation | |
13:40 | Drive to Mitsubishi Chemical Group, Heinsberg, Germany | |
14:40 | KyronTEX® Line Tour @Mitsubishi Chemical Group | |
16:00 | Summary, Open Discussion, End of Meeting |
Registration is required for all AZL partners via meet2connect.