Lightweight TechTalk „New Generation Battery Casings“

Free digital format called "Lightweight TechTalk" for technology insights and networking in lightweight production. The event offers industry presentations, free of charge, and is open to all companies, including those beyond the AZL partner network.

Lightweight TechTalk „Rotor Sleeves for Electric Motors“

Free digital format called "Lightweight TechTalk" for technology insights and networking in lightweight production. The event offers industry presentations, free of charge, and is open to all companies, including those beyond the AZL partner network.

Lightweight TechTalk „Propellers & Rotors“

Free digital format called "Lightweight TechTalk" for technology insights and networking in lightweight production. The event offers industry presentations, free of charge, and is open to all companies, including those beyond the AZL partner network.

Expertise/ background in:

Production and development of composite parts
Materials: thermoset and thermoplastic resins, continuous fiber composites, metals and plastic-metal hybrids
Process: prepreg, autoclave, resin infusion, RTM, milling, tooling, joining, quality assurance
Design: CAD design and design to process
Networking: Matchmaking with academic and industrial partners

I will support you in:

  • Process selection, evaluation and implementation
  • Evaluation and benchmarking of solutions
  • Identification of applications
  • Benchmarking with market companions state of the art solutions
  • Identification and elimination of pain points
  • Connect with the right partners for industrial implementation