Advisory, consultancy and project management

Our vision of advisory, consultancy and project management

We work with you as a proficient and experienced partner for strategic and technical advisory and consultancy services on all specific aspects as well as holistic solutions for large-scale lightweight production and its implementation. We provide you with professional advice according to our principles of independence, objectivity and expertise to optimise processes, machines and tools, or to increase your profitability.

We take all important parameters into consideration that will lead to an appropriate technological and commercial decision for you and your business. In doing so, we work in a responsible, cooperative and strictly confidential manner.

We also take on the management of complete R & D projects for you, including publicly- sponsored projects, consortial industrial projects or internal projects. In doing so, we always take account of new material trends and production technologies, including the assessment of their implementation into industrial processes.

AZL is neutral and objective when selecting technologies, and all decision criteria are aimed at your individual needs and requirements. In addition to purely technical aspects from design through to implementation, we also consider economic and ecological aspects, thus ensuring we provide a sustainable and future-oriented solution for your business.

AZL stands for independent expert advice in the field of lightweight production technology. Our experienced, multidisciplinary team of specialists in the areas of technology management, material sciences, process engineering and the development of production equipment will respond to your requirements in a professional, fast and reliable manner.

Our core competencies include advice on the folowing topics: 

  • Reducing the weight of the final application
  • Cost savings
  • Achieving quality or quantity goals
  • Improving process capability, systems and processes (increasing productivity)
  • Reducing scrap or waste
  • Tailor-made production
  • Continuous quality data chains
  • Increasing reproducibility
  • Faster planning methods

Working closely with our clients, our experts develop fully integrated technical production solutions for the large-scale production of a wide range of lightweight applications.

Below are some of the services AZL can provide you with in the areas of advisory, consultancy and project management:

  • Technology studies to evaluate and assess potential
  • Market studies for strategic business development
  • Benchmarking (materials, production processes, production systems, etc.)
  • Advice on investment decisions
  • Material characterisation and certification of FRP semi-finished products

Initialisation, coordination and control of R&D projects (including publicly-sponsored projects, consortial industrial projects and internal projects under strict confidentiality)

For individual enquieries, please make direct contact with us:

Expertise/ background in:

Production and development of composite parts
Materials: thermoset and thermoplastic resins, continuous fiber composites, metals and plastic-metal hybrids
Process: prepreg, autoclave, resin infusion, RTM, milling, tooling, joining, quality assurance
Design: CAD design and design to process
Networking: Matchmaking with academic and industrial partners

I will support you in:

  • Process selection, evaluation and implementation
  • Evaluation and benchmarking of solutions
  • Identification of applications
  • Benchmarking with market companions state of the art solutions
  • Identification and elimination of pain points
  • Connect with the right partners for industrial implementation